20.8 C
27. Juli 2024

Meat consumption and world hunger

The competition between “Trog and Teller” is at the expense of many people in poorer regions. Animal and feed production favors the unjust distribution of food and thus exacerbates world hunger.

The high consumption of meat and other animal products has a negative impact on the world nutrition and the fair distribution of resources and food. Animal and feed production exacerbates world hunger in various ways. A vegetable diet, on the other hand, relieves increasingly scarce resources such as arable land and thus contributes to greater nutritional justice.

Nowadays we produce enough food to enable the entire world population to have a healthy diet. Nevertheless, every ninth person has to fall asleep hungry in the evening. Around 800 million people worldwide do not have sufficient food and are considered malnourished. Climate change, conflicts and natural disasters can significantly increase the number of starving.

Health effects of hunger

Hunger is still the greatest health risk for the human population. The consequences of hunger die significantly more people every year than from AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. In children under the age of 5 alone, sub- and malnutrition is jointly responsible for almost half of all deaths. That is more than 3 million children every year.

Many people have to carry their lives the consequences of poor supply with certain nutrients in childhood. A sufficient diet is particularly crucial in the first 1,000 days of life. Around 160 million children under the age of 5 are underdeveloped due to malnutrition. A lot more people are affected by this hidden hunger than the malnutrition due to the lack of calories. Around 2 billion people suffer from this form of hunger, in which too little vitamins and minerals such as zinc, iodine and iron are absorbed to ensure stable health and development.

Social consequences of malnutrition

Malnutrition makes people prone to illness, weakens their performance and hinders their mental and physical development, especially in children. Hidden hunger not only harms the individual, but also makes the socio -economic development of a society difficult and increases the poverty cycle. Hunger does not only have consequences for those directly affected. Poverty and unemployment, violence, armed conflicts as well as flight and displacement are often related to hunger and tightening the problem.

Causes of hunger

A lack of equipment, money and know-how as well as political failure, corruption and unfavorable climatic conditions in many so-called developing countries cause low yields and insufficient infrastructure. This makes access and distribution of food difficult. A large part is lost of the often scarce agricultural yields and also from imported food. A third of the food generated is not eaten worldwide. However, this is also a problem for the rich countries. In this country, 80 kilograms of food per capita end up in private households every year alone. For this purpose, a number of resources are of course unnecessarily consumed and climate change is fueled, which in turn has an adverse effect on global food production and nutritional situation.

98 % of starving life in threshold and developing countries. Over half in the Asian-Pacific area, a quarter in Africa. The rural population is particularly affected by hunger. Most hungry produce foods themselves, but are too poor to afford a sufficient diet. Access to sufficient food is one problem that the other of being able to pay food at all.

The role of meat consumption

The causes of hunger are complex. Our consumption of meat and other animal products plays a role in several places and increasingly intensifies the situation. Because the world population is growing steadily, while the productivity of many agricultural areas decreases. Another problem is the growing demand for animal products in emerging and developing countries. In order to be able to feed the estimated 9 billion people sufficiently in 2050, according to the world nutrition organization FAO, about 70 % more food must be produced than today. According to the FAO, this increase in production is only possible without more serious environmental damage if consumer behavior in the industrialized countries towards less meat and other animal products changes.

Trough or plate

The vast majority of “farm animals” are fed with large amounts of concentrated feed made of grain and oil fruits such as soy and rapeseed. Only 43

Quelle: https://vebu.de/tiere-umwelt/umweltbelastung-durch-fleischkonsum/welthunger/

Bildquelle: https://www.pexels.com/de-de/foto/arm-armut-baume-buchse-1125850/

Fotographer: https://www.pexels.com/de-de/@dazzle-jam-374075

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