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27. Juli 2024

Environmental Protection

The origin of all environmental protection challenges is the rapidly increasing world population paired with the resource-intensive lifestyle of the industrialized countries. The world population has almost quadrupled in the past 100 years. And each of the currently over 7 billion people has the same needs with regard to food, education and consumption.

Worldwide consumption has therefore risen with the steadily increasing prosperity and the growing world population. Mobile phones, computers, cars, bicycles, from everything we are in demand and produced more. And the production of all these goods is at the expense of the environment.

Meat consumption also increases. Meat is no longer a luxury goods in large parts of the world. Fish, chicken, pork, beef and lamb are increasingly found as fixed components of meals. Seas are fished empty for this. Factory husbandry with cruel living conditions for animals is increasingly to be found worldwide. Animal breeding and agriculture also consume large amounts of water and create a large part of the global greenhouse gases, which in turn promotes climate change.

The global energy requirement also increases. Over 80% of the world’s population now has access to electricity – with increasing trend. This increases the energy requirement, which is still mainly covered by the combustion of fossil fuels. This creates huge amounts of CO2 that collect in the atmosphere.

So much for the causes of our environmental problems. What about the effects?

All the industries that provide us with food, consumer goods and energy generate huge amounts of greenhouse gases – especially CO2, but also methane, laughing gas and other gases. These gases collect in the earth’s atmosphere and form a kind of barrier.

Due to the high gas occurrence in the atmosphere, the solar energy, which is on earth, can no longer be reflected unhindered back into space. They are held back by the atmosphere and redirected back towards the earth. This saves a gigantic amount of 5 Hiroshima atomic bombs per second. This is called the greenhouse effect.

CO2 is filtered from the atmosphere by photosynthesis by photosynthesis. But the growth of the world’s population also leaves its traces in the forests of the world. Large parts of the rainforest are cut down to use them for agricultural purposes. The result: More CO2 comes in the atmosphere and the greenhouse effect is further promoted and even more energy is prevented from escaping back into space.

This extra energy, caught on earth, slowly but steadily heats up the earth – as in a greenhouse – hence the name. The water and air temperatures worldwide rise, which melt the polar caps. This in turn releases CO2, which is stored in the so -called permafrost floors. This increases the greenhouse effect and the earth continues to heat up.

By heating the world’s oceans, larger amounts of sea water evaporate, which leads to increasingly more frequent storms and natural disasters. Otherwise, global warming creates droughts, which promotes rural exodus and occasionally even political conflicts and refugee crises.

All of this not only causes a variety of problems. It also demands many fatalities. An estimated 400,000 people fall victim to the consequences of climate change every year. In addition, around 50,000 animal species die every year due to all of these changes.

Source: Environmental Protection.de, Magazine for Environmental Protection

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