17.7 C
27. Juli 2024

Animals and the environment

Meat consumption harms the environment in many ways:

Climate change, waste of resources and die of species. Those who avoid meat and other animal products make an important contribution to species and environmental protection.

The so -called farm animal husbandry and the associated feed production contribute significantly to climate change and die of species. They strain air, floors and water and use unnecessarily large amounts of energy, area and other resources. The environmental impact solely due to meat consumption in Germany is immense. Eating animals: meat consumption in Germany

Every German in Germany eats around 60 kilograms of meat on average per year. In the course of his life, the animals slaughtered for consumption for consumption – fish and other marine animals do not add up for each inhabitant. Overall, there are far more animals die as a result of industrial “livestock farming” and fishing as solely due to slaughter and catch. Apart from undesirable “by-products” such as male chicks in egg production or the by-catch at sea, the intensive agricultural and fishing industry are responsible for the death of further billions. Because both massively damage the environment and thus destroy or thus affect the habitat of several species, for example from Amazon’s flow delphins, field hamsters and wild bees. The production of animal foods therefore also has a significant share in species death.

Causes of climate change

Agriculture – worldwide as well as in Germany – is a major cause of the global warming caused by humans. It is responsible for the majority of the greenhouse gases of laughter gas and methane, which are far more climate -damaging than carbon dioxide (CO2). Agriculture also contributes significantly to the greenhouse effect and thus to global warming through so -called land use changes (deforestation, grassland break, moss use). The production and consumption of animal foods, especially meat, cause far more CO2 and other greenhouse gases than vegetable products. A plant-based diet significantly reduces environmental pollution, the CO2 footprint by over 50 %.

Salvation of valuable resources

The production of meat and other animal food is a large waste of energy and resources. It consumes far more of our livelihood than vegetable food. Over 70 % of the global agricultural areas are pasture land, which would be partly usable for the cultivation of vegetable food for humans. From the global arable land itself, over 70 % are claimed for the production of feed. The “conversion” of vegetable into animal calories wastes huge areas as well as water, plant nutrients and fossil fuels.

Destruction of biological diversity

Meat consumption accelerates the extinction of species. Huge species -rich forest areas are cleared to gain areas for pastures or feed. In the Amazon, most of the often illegal rainforest destruction is the result of the creation of pasture or the cultivation of monocultures for feed. Due to the deforestation of rainforest, a number of animal and plant species disappear from our planet forever. The forests also have an important function for the global water and oxygen balance as “green lungs” of the earth. The cultivation of feed soy is also victims in South America. In Germany, too, meat consumption damages the environment: intensive agriculture, especially industrial animal husbandry, promotes forest death and threatens flora and fauna. Saurer rain, over -fertilization and pesticides endanger the survival of many types, including the ecologically important wild bees.

Tightening of hunger and injustice

The competition between “Trog and Teller” is held at the expense of many people in poorer regions. It is one of the causes of world hunger. The demand for corn, soy and wheat as feed at rising prices of these staple foods on the world market leads. People in the so -called developing countries can then no longer afford the staple foods. In addition, small farmers are displaced by their country under considerable human rights violations (Landgrabbing). The space is used for the cultivation of feed in order to enable excessive meat consumption in the industrialized countries. The huge monocultures burden the environment and endanger the health of the population by intensive fertilization, water pollution and the use of crop protection products.

Animal and environmental protection through organic farming

“Biovegan” is the new catchphrase that stands for a future -proof and ethically satisfactory agriculture without animals. Like ecological agriculture, BioVegan produces economy businesses organic food that can be awarded organic seals. For environmental protection reasons, they also do without the mineral fertilizer common in conventional agriculture. In contrast to ordinary ecoland construction, however, they do not fall back on excretions and slaughterhouse waste from “farm animals” as fertilizer. They fertilize with different vegetable fertilizers and pay particular attention to environmentally friendly cultivation. In general, this type of biological agriculture is livestock, because no “farm animals” are kept for food production on Biovegan farms. Overall, the organic farm and horticulture tries to work particularly sustainably and with wildlife.

Less environmental impact on changing consumer behavior

In addition to eating meat, other aspects of our consumer behavior also mean that we overuse our planet. As a result, climate change, resource consumption and the loss of biodiversity are increasing. By rethinking how we live, moving and eating ourselves, we can make our lives more sustainable and reduce our ecological footprint. In this way, everyone can contribute to environmental protection.

Source: vebu.de / Proveg internantional / https://vebu.de

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